Over Strigolactones


Avondlezingen georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.

In recent years strigolactones (SLs) became recognized as a new family of plant hormones with a multitude of bio-properties. Interestingly, the first SL ( strigol), was isolated only 60 years ago, but it took 20 years before all structural details of this compound were unveiled. All SLs invariably possess three annulated rings (the ABC scaffold) connected with a butenolide  ring via an enol ether unit.

The most well-known property of SLs is their ability to germinate seeds of parasitic weeds Striga and Orobanche spp. These weeds have  a devastating impact on the development of the host plants. When agriculturally important crops are involved, the food production may be severely affected, which often is the case in tropical and semi-tropical areas in Africa and Asia.

Over the years our research program focused on the chemistry of SLs, the structure-activity relationship of germination stimulants for parasitic weeds and the application of SL analogues in the control of these weeds.

In this lecture first some historic highlights of Striga research will be presented. Then the strategy of the total synthesis of naturally occurring SLs will be discussed with a focus on stereochemical features, followed by the identification of the bioactiphore in SLs and the design of  new bioactive SL analogues.

A new class of SL related compounds are SL mimics which have no ABC scaffold but a D-ring only. They show a remarkable bioactivity as germination stimulants.

It is a true challenge to understand the mode of action of SLs on a  molecular level and how to apply SL analogues in the field to control parasitic weeds. In this context the prospects of suicidal germination in weed control will discussed.

SLs are new plant hormones, hence it is relevant to compare the structure activity relationship for various bio-functions and how suitable structurally simpler analogues for each bio-property can be designed and prepared. In the presentation, the focus will be primarily on how we tackle the problems, for instance how we do experiments in the field. Our research is sponsored by the Bill Gates Foundation and is imbedded in an European COST project.

Curriculun vitae prof.dr. Binne Zwanenburg

Professor of Organic Chemistry, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1962                                   Ph.D., Un. Groningen ( W. Drenth,  acetyleen ethers)
1963-1965                        Docent  Un. Groningen
1965-1971                        Lector Un. Groningen
1971 - 1999                      Hoogleraar, Radboud Un. Nijmegen
1999- heden                     Emeritus hoogleraar, Radboud Un. Nijmegen

POSTDOCTORALS: 1963 Ralph A. Raphael (Glasgow Un.), 1964/65 Nelson J. Leonard (Un. of Illinois)

VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS: Halifax, Tokyo, Bologna, Palacky Univ Olomouc (CZ) (heden)

RESEARCH INTERESSES: Organozwavel chemie; heterocyclische chemie; gespannen polycyclische systemen; natuurproducten; synthetische methodologie; kiemstimulanten voor zaden van parasitaire onkruiden (nieuwe planthormonen)

PUBLICATIES:  > 440, including one book

PhD studenten 89

1991 Bijvoet medal, University of Utrecht, for establishing the Bijvoet Center for
Biomolecular Research
2000 Holleman award for scientific achievements in chemistry 
2007 Silver Medal Radboud University Nijmegen, highest university award for outstanding contributions
2007 Award International Parasitic Plant Society for the significant contribution in extending our understanding of the chemistry of germination stimulants

BESTUURLIJKE TAKEN:vele, oa. Voorzitter organisatie Scheikundig Onderzoek Nederland (SON), 1983-1991; voorzitter NATO panel 1992-1995; Review Committees Vlaanderen (1993), NederSaksen, 1996), Italie (1998, 2003).
Coordinator Erasmus project Univ of Nijmegen, Bologna en Camerino, 1988-2001
Coordinator project University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) en University of Nijmegen, 1978-2004
Adviseur bouw Nieuw Chemie lab, Un Groningen (1961-1973) en Faculteit Natuurwetenschappen Radboud University 1999-2010.

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